Commitment is at the core of Recommerce's activity

Since its creation, Recommerce Group has been committed to a responsible, societal, and environmental approach.

Notre Guide juridique du reconditionnement

En tant que facilitateur de l'économie circulaire et afin d'éduquer un secteur émergent, Recommerce publie la deuxiéme édition du "Guide juridique du Reconditionnement" en Mars 2025

Baromètre Recommerce 2025© : le marché du mobile d’occasion

Recommerce© présente les résultats de la 8e édition de son Baromètre annuel sur “le marché du mobile d'occasion” mené avec Kantar dans plus de 13 pays européens.

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By submitting this form, I agree that the informations shared will be used by authorized persons from the Recommerce Customer Relations Management service to contact me or respond to my questions and complaints. To learn more about how your personal data is managed, please refer to our privacy policy. To withdraw your consent and delete your data, please fill out this form.

RECOMMERCE GROUP is the leader in buyback, refurbishment and resale of products in Europe. Thanks to a complete range of technological and innovative solutions, Recommerce puts its expertise in the service of all retailers, businesses, ecommerce and individuals, in order to create a pan-European offer of quality refurbished products.

Stay in touch!

A question? Contact us by filling out the following form.

By submitting this form, I agree that the informations shared will be used by authorized persons from the Recommerce Customer Relations Management service to contact me or respond to my questions and complaints. To learn more about how your personal data is managed, please refer to our privacy policy. To withdraw your consent and delete your data, please fill out this form.

RECOMMERCE GROUP is the leader in buyback, refurbishment and resale of products in Europe. Thanks to a complete range of technological and innovative solutions, Recommerce puts its expertise in the service of all retailers, businesses, ecommerce and individuals, in order to create a pan-European offer of quality refurbished products.

Stay in touch!

A question? Contact us by filling out the following form.

By submitting this form, I agree that the informations shared will be used by authorized persons from the Recommerce Customer Relations Management service to contact me or respond to my questions and complaints. To learn more about how your personal data is managed, please refer to our privacy policy. To withdraw your consent and delete your data, please fill out this form.

RECOMMERCE GROUP is the leader in buyback, refurbishment and resale of products in Europe. Thanks to a complete range of technological and innovative solutions, Recommerce puts its expertise in the service of all retailers, businesses, ecommerce and individuals, in order to create a pan-European offer of quality refurbished products.